Autobedrijf Troost is the trusted address in Spijkenisse, Hellevoetsluis and Rotterdam for the sale and maintenance of all Hyundai models.

When you visit Autobedrijf Troost you will find out that we have a beautiful range of new and used Hyundai cars. Our range of Hyundai cars can be viewed in the showrooms in Hellevoetsluis, Spijkenisse and Rotterdam.

Most new Hyundai models are available from stock, almost all colors and types can be viewed in our large showrooms and can be delivered quickly. Together with our large collection of used cars, we are virtually the largest in the Rijnmond region. You can also always contact us for the sale of your own car , we are happy to purchase it from you.

In order to provide you with the best possible service, Autobedrijf Troost also has a well-equipped workshop and an enthusiastic and expert sales team in addition to a beautiful Hyundai offer.

It is no problem for us to help with the repair and maintenance of your Hyundai. We have a specialized team of skilled technicians who can completely overhaul your car for maintenance and repair, so that you can get back on the road worry-free.

Car company P. Troost & Zonen; Since 1974 we have been the pre-owned dealer for the large Rotterdam region.